A souvenir program including the program of events for the 150th anniversary sesqui-centennial celebration on October 7, 1930. Includes the following:
- Advertisements for a number of area businesses
- Schedule of events, including President Herbert Hoover’s address
- Dedication of Ferguson Marker, with Mr. Ronald Campbell representing the British Government
- Descendants of Heroes, including addresses by the Hon. James B. Nevin (Editor of the Georgian-American in Atlanta, GA) and Mrs. Avis Collier Brown (from Atlanta, GA)
- A religious service at the battleground, presided over by Dr. I. S. McElroy, pastor of Kings Mountain Presbyterian Church
- A sketch of the batteglound by D.R.S. Frazier, Civil Engineer in Shelby, NC
- National Flag Drill
- Historical Pageant directed by Miss Laura Plonk, sponsored by the Daughters of the American Revolution
- A list of the celebration committees and their members
- A history of the battle, written by William Milton Hood from Charlotte, NC